
For MAC user only, Upgraded UnRarX, modified by myself.

It is always hard to open the .rar file on MAC OS, most of the compression software on MAC have compatibility issue and u have to pay money for it.

The official Winrar for MAC don't have GUI (Command line only), hard to use for the MAC newbies, and Unrar X is a freeware with GUI but stop update since 2006. http://www.unrarx.com/

I have done some modify on the original Unrar X 2.2, upgraded the RAR core file to the latest version 3.93.  Unrar has all the latest feature now, Enjoy it!




First blog.

Hey everyone, this is my BIS blog, I will try to post some useful software on this blog as well, enjoy.

ps, if anyone need any software, u can just post it on the comments